TD Securities (USA) LLC

TD Securities (USA) LLC
Last update 2016-04-27 505 Stocks (11 new)
Value $11.00 Mil Turnover 0 %
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TD Securities (USA) LLC Profile

TD Securities (USA) LLC is an investment management company based out of New York. The company operates as a subsidiary of TD Securities, with ownership in the company itself split amongst the Toronto Dominion Bank, Toronto Dominion Holdings (U.S.A.) Inc. and Td Holdings II Inc, each holding approximately a third of the company’s ownership, and the remaining holdings split amongst key executives. TD Securities (USA) LLC can trace its origins back to the beginning of the Toronto Dominion Bank in 1855. The parent company Toronto Dominion Bank would grow and expand, investing in a variety of sectors including railway construction in the 1880s to various utilities and manufacturing in the 20th century. In the 1980s, the Toronto Dominion Bank would begin its entrance into the international money market trading and commercial real estate businesses, establishing TD Securities Inc. in 1987 to “provide corporate, treasury and investment banking services to corporate clients.” TD securities itself grew largely through organic means and has expanded its capabilities to include equity sales, trading, research, underwriting and distribution services, becoming one of the top investment banks in Canada and the U.S. TD Securities has over 2,000 employees with offices in 18 cities and operates as the global banking arm of the Toronto-Dominion Bank Financial Group and TD Securities (USA) LLC itself acts as its regional specific subsidiary operating out of the United States. TD Securities (USA) LLC provides a variety of services including merger and acquisition, equity and debt underwriting, foreign exchange trading, private placement, divesture, and other services to various corporation, institutional, and government clients. The company’s investments are highly diversified with asset allocations in the information technology, the highest sector that makes up a fifth of its total asset allocations, health care, finance, consumer discretionary, consumer staples, industrials, and energy sectors, among others to a lesser degree, in order of decreasing allocation.
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