Hutchin Hill Capital, LP

Hutchin Hill Capital, LP
Last update 2018-02-12 366 Stocks (176 new)
Value $359.00 Mil Turnover 43 %
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Hutchin Hill Capital, LP Profile

Hutchin Hill Capital, LP is a hedge fund sponsor based out of New York City. The company was established in 2008 by founder Neil A. Chriss, who is still with the company today acting as its CEO, CIO, and Chairman. Hutchin Hill Capital has grown from its inception to now have 133 employees of which 69 are investment professionals. Hutchin Hill Capital has also expanded its physical operations to have locations in Boston and Austin. The firm is employee owned with founder Neil A. Chriss holding the controlling majority ownership in the company and the remaining ownership split amongst Omar Saeed, Matthew J. Edmonds, Seth Padowitz, and other key executives. The company conducts its research internally, utilizing a quantitative and fundamental methodology to make its investment decisions. Hutchin Hill Capital invests in the public equity, fixed income, and alternative markets in the U.S., allocating its assets across a wide variety of sectors. The company invests most heavily in the consumer discretionary sector, which alone makes up almost a quarter of its total asset allocations, and also invests in the finance, health care, information technology, industrials, consumer staples, and materials sectors, among others to a lesser degree, in order of decreasing allocation. Hutchin Hill Capital currently holds approximately $8.9 billion in total assets under management spread across 3 accounts, all three of which are discretionary accounts. Although the company’s total number of accounts has been volatile in recent years and seems to have stabilized around its current amount of 3 accounts, its total assets under management has been increasing, growing significantly from under $1.4 billion back in 2012 to well over 6 times that amount today. Hutchin Hill Capital currently caters exclusively to pooled investment vehicles and takes advisory fees in the form of a percentage of assets and various performance based fees.
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